Monday, May 3, 2010
Woman Discovers Intruder Sitting On Couch
A Loretto woman summoned law enforcement agents to her home Friday evening after returning to find a man sitting on her couch, watching television.
The victim, age 72, reported she had been away from her Beartown Road home, returning around 5:22 p.m. She noticed that her back door had been kicked open and a man was sitting on the couch inside her living room.
The victim said she asked the man why he had entered her home, but reported to Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies that the man would not answer. She said he asked where her medication was and requested that she give him some.
The man was still there when deputies arrived on the scene. They report he appeared to be very anxious. Although he denied having forced his way into the home, he allegedly told deputies he had entered the house in order to fix something to eat and watch TV.
The intruder Danny Earl Hollis, II, age 26, of 34 Lantz Road, Lawrenceburg, was placed under arrest on charges that include aggravated burglary and vandalism. He was transported to the Lawrence County Jail without further incident.
Damages to the home were estimated to total $500.