Thursday, April 29, 2010
Two Men Face Marijuana For Resale Charges
Two Lawrence County men were apprehended Monday after authorities were alerted to the fact that they might be traveling with a large amount of marijuana concealed inside their vehicle.
Reports filed through the Lawrenceburg Police Department show that officers received the tip around 4:15 Monday afternoon. The tip indicated that the pair was traveling in a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville in the vicinity of Second/Third Street in Lawrenceburg.
An officer in the area reported spotting the suspect vehicle as the driver turned from First Avenue, east onto Third Street. He followed, reporting that they pulled into the driveway at 417 Third Street.
According to reports, passenger David Jonathan Gladney, 33, of 102 West High Street, Ethridge, exited the vehicle. As officers spoke with him, they report he kept putting his hands into his pockets. He was ordered not to do so, but instead turned and fled around the house.
One officer gave pursuit and reports he chased the man around the house two full times before Gladney fell to the ground. At that time, the officer reports he stated “he didn’t have any marijuana.” The officer noted, however, that no one had mentioned marijuana at that point.
Officers found a plastic baggy containing what appeared to be marijuana, lying against a small tree approximately 20 feet away. When the man stood up, another officer noticed that he was attempting to conceal a second bag of the substance beneath his foot.
A witness told officers they had watched Gladney take something from his pocket and throw it in the direction of the tree just before he fell.
At that point officers ordered driver Timothy Joe Henson, Jr., age 25, of 125 Beasley Road, to exit the car, as well. They report gaining consent to conduct a search of the vehicle. During the ensuing search officers report finding a large plastic bag hidden in the engine compartment, next to the battery.
The bag, reports show, contained a large number of small baggies of a substance that appeared to be marijuana. Altogether, the marijuana seized weighed in excess of 30 ounces (1 pound, 14.2 ounces).
Both men were transported to the Lawrence County Jail where they were booked under one count each of possession of marijuana with the intent to resale. Both were incarcerated under a bond of $10,000 and are scheduled to answer the charges through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on May 6, 2010.