Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wesley Putman Fundraiser To Be Held Friday May 6
Efforts are underway to raise funds needed for expenses, including those associated with bringing a Lawrence County man, who has remained in a coma since he was struck by a car in March, back to where he belongs -- home.
The event is scheduled for Friday, May 6th.
Lawrenceburg native Wesley Putman, had been living in South Korea where he was teaching English. On Saturday, March 12, while crossing a street in Seoul, Wes was struck by a taxi, sustaining critical injuries. Though he remains in a coma, family members say he is improving each day. Wes is the son of Monitta Brazier Putman of Lawrenceburg and Brent Putman of Columbia.
Since his accident, Monitta Putman has remained at her son’s side. In the hopes of offsetting some of the expenses involved, friends and family members have planned a benefit for Friday night.
The benefit concert and silent auction will get underway at 8:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 615 Crews Street, in Lawrenceburg. Local musicians have donated their time to perform at the benefit. Some of those are: John Ezell, Chad Bradford, Taylor Cheatwood, John Marston, Jeff Quillen, Steve Walker, April Michelle and Barry Shelton.
Admission is $10 per person, or $15 per couple. Bids on the auction items will be taken throughout the evening.
For additional information or to donate auction items, contact Angie Sharp-Ezell at 829-2194, or after 5:00 p.m. at 615-504-2922. You may also contact Pat Peters at 931-629-4886.
Organizers implore, “As you continue to remember Wes and his family in your prayers, please come out and support this worthy cause.”