Thursday, April 22, 2010
Board Approves Purchase Of Five Police Cars
Members of the board that governs the City of Lawrenceburg voted Thursday to amend the capital outlay line-item of the police department’s budget so that five new police cars may be purchased.
The matter was brought before the Board of Mayor and Council during a business meeting Thursday morning. The ordinance, approved on first reading, calls for an increase of $24,581.69 for the 2009-2010 city budget ordinance.
This will allow the police department to enter into a lease-purchase agreement to purchase five new Ford Crown Victoria cars from Sharp Motors. That bid, Assistant Police Chief Darrin Goolsby said, is nearly $2,000 under the State Contract Price.
The department will be responsible for paying $24,581.69 annually for a five-year period. At the end of the contract period the department may then purchase the cars at a price of $1 apiece.
The five new vehicles, Gooslby explained, will be used to replace five patrol cars in the department’s fleet. Several, he said, bear mileage in excess of 150,000 miles and are more than ten years old.
The ordinance must be approved on second reading before becoming effective.