Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Resident Reports Thefts From Two Separate Properties
A Lawrenceburg woman filed reports with two local law enforcement agencies Tuesday, indicating that items had been stolen from two of her properties.
The victim, age 51, spoke with deputies from the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department at around 6:30 Tuesday evening.
She said that she had filed a report with the Lawrenceburg Police Department earlier in the day regarding thefts from her home on Mahr Avenue.
She said that she thought it prudent to check her second property on Sanders Lane in Leoma, and discovered that it had been targeted by thieves, as well.
The victim noticed that a cooler beside her storage building had been moved, then located a broken window on the back of the structure.
Deputies noted that it appeared the perpetrator had attempted to pull a water heater through the window, but was unsuccessful.
Missing were pieces of vinyl J channel and a swimming pool wall that had been rolled up and placed beside the building. She was uncertain exactly when the crime had occurred.
Loss in the case is in excess of $3,000. The investigation continues at the current time.