Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Items Needed For Scouting Fundraiser
A fundraising effort is underway to raise funds for the home of local Girl and Boy Scouts – Shoal Creek Cabin.
The volunteer group Friends of Shoal Creek Cabin has planned its Fifth Annual fundraising Yard Sale for Saturday, April 24 at the Old Armory, located behind Rotary Park on Mahr Avenue.
This annual event is the only fundraiser the non-profit group holds in support of the Cabin. Shoal Creek Cabin, located at 601 Waterloo Street, was situated adjacent to the creek when the area was flooded in 1998. That area was subsequently designated a flood zone.
With the cooperation of FEMA, the City of Lawrenceburg, the Friends group and the community, a concrete pad was constructed and the house moved to the current location near Waterloo Street.
Once the foundation was set and the house placed a group from Clifton closed in the carport area to create a ceremony room.
There are three good-sized rooms where troop meetings are held, a kitchen that allows scouts to earn cooking badges, and an outside park area where they may conduct outdoor activities.
On September 11, 2009 Woodmen of the World erected a flag pole in front of the cabin. One goal of the Friends group is to erect lighting so that the flag may fly at all times.
Shoal Creek Cabin is available for use by any Girl or Boy Scout group for troop meetings, ceremonies, leader training, and special events.
There are currently two Girl Scout Troops, one Boy Scout Troop and one Cub Scout Pack utilizing the facility. It also serves as the meeting place for the local Business and Professional Women’s group.
Funds raised through this annual yard sale event are used to purchase supplies as well as to conduct any repairs or renovations that may be needed. In the future, hopes are to construct a restroom facility in Scout Park (where the cabin is situated), nearer to the creek area.
This would make camping activities much more convenient. The groups have already collected some of the concrete blocks that will be needed for the project. Leaders are hopeful they will be able to begin this project later in the year.
Scouts are on hand to help during the annual yard sale fundraiser. Before hand they work to collect items for the sale itself. They also work diligently to invite residents to shop at the sale.
At the current time all donations are being accepted to help this year’s effort. In order to donate you may contact a local scout or leader, or drop items off at the Old Armory the day before the sale; Friday, April 23. You may also call 762-1667 to inquire about donating.
The sale will get underway at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 24. Beginning at 11:00 a.m. workers will begin holding “blue light specials” in order to move the remaining sale items more quickly. The sale normally draws to an end around 1:00 p.m. All items not sold will be donated to God’s Storehouse.
Residents are asked to spread the word about this year’s sale. Also, they are asked to donate items for the sale.
For further information contact Shelia Bridges at 762-1667.