Monday, April 12, 2010
Leoma Resident Discovers Dog Was Shot In Mouth
A Leoma resident filed a complaint with law enforcement officials during the weekend after finding that his pet had been shot in the mouth.
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to the home at 296 Union Hill Road, Leoma, after the resident found that his 1 ½ year old female boxer was injured.
The resident stated that he had noticed the dog was lying in the yard and not acting like her “usual self.” He said he inspected her more closely and discovered there was blood about her mouth and a hole through her upper lip. When he lifted her lip he found that several teeth were pushed back into the guns.
The resident quickly transported the dog to his veterinarian, who reported the dog had sustained a gunshot wound. The vet was able to remove a bullet from the dog’s mouth. He indicated he would perform surgery to repair the damages once the dog was able to stand alone.
The following day the resident notified deputies that his nephew knew who had shot his dog. The nephew reported hearing a neighbor say that some dogs had been “messing with his goat,” and that he had “shot around it (goat) while it was dark.”
The matter remains under investigation through the department’s Criminal Investigation Division. Detectives are working to determine whether any charges are warranted.