Monday, April 5, 2010
Waterloo Road Resident Bitten By Neighbor’s Pitbull
A resident of the Waterloo Road area was treated at Crockett Hospital late last week when she was bitten by her neighbor’s Pitbull.
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to the emergency room around 9:15 Friday evening regarding a dog bite. The victim, age 39, told deputies that she had let her dog out of the house earlier for a short time.
When she looked out, she said she noticed her dog was in the roadway near her neighbor’s property, so she quickly went to retrieve him. As she did so, she reports that the neighbor’s Pitbull bit her on the heels/legs. She said she was uncertain whether the dog had been vaccinated.
Deputies report that they made their way to the home and attempted to make contact with the owners, however they were unable to do so at that time.
Investigation into the matter is currently on-going.