Monday, April 5, 2010
Lawrenceburg Council To Meet Thursday Morning
Members of the board that governs the City of Lawrenceburg will meet in regular session Thursday morning to consider a brief agenda.
Appearing on the agenda are the following two items of business:
*Ordinance1062 – An ordinance to amend ordinance1055 entitled Budget Appropriations of Revenue and Expenditures for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year for the City of Lawrenceburg. Second and final reading
*Ordinance1063 – An ordinance to amend or repeal certain titles of the Lawrenceburg Municipal Code, to wit; Title 12, Chapter 1, entitled “Building Code,” Title 12, Chapter 12, entitled “Plumbing Code,” Chapter 12, Title 3, entitled “Electric Code,” Chapter 12, Title 4, entitled “Gas Code,” Title 12, Chapter 5, entitled “ Standard Housing Code,” Title 12, Chapter 6, entitled “Model Energy Code,” Chapter 12, Title 8, entitled “Mechanical Code,” Title 12, Chapter 9, entitled “Existing Building Codes,” Title 12, Chapter 10 entitled “One and Two Family Dwelling Codes.” Said amendments to adopt the international codes, to amend or repeal ordinances or partial ordinances in conflict herewith – first reading
The meeting, which is open to the public, gets underway at 8:30 a.m. inside the commission meeting room of the Lawrenceburg City Administration Building on West Gaines Street.