Sunday, April 4, 2010
Attention Beekeepers
April 2010
Hobbyist Level Schedule
Instructed by Dr. John Skinner of the Extension Service, University of Tennessee, and Mr. Michael Studer of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.
The Tennessee Beemaster Program is an educational beekeeping school. The Hobbyist Level is an entry level class designed to provide information on how to succeed as a beekeeper.
WHAT: Classes of the Tennessee Beemaster Program, a beekeeper education program.
REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND: Curiosity; ambition to become a beekeeper.
You must preregister and pay class fee. Class size will be limited to 50.
Hobbyist Training Level
For “Bee” ginners-
WHEN/WHERE: Middle Tennessee Research and Education Center, 1000 Main Entrance Drive, Spring Hill, TN 37174
April 22 Thursday Session 1 6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m.
April 23 Friday Session 2 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
April 24 Saturday Session 3 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
COST: $100 Registration Fee
TO REGISTER: You Must Contact Lawrence County Extension at (931) 762-5506.
MAIL PAYMENT TO: Lawrence County Extension Office
P.O. Box 100
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464-0100
Thank You ! I look forward to seeing you at the class. John Skinner,
Summary: This class has 20 hrs. instruction including: biology and behavior of the honey bee, importance of bees as pollinators, using protective gear and equipment, bee space, building woodenware, establishing an apiary and acquiring bees, seasonal management, swarm prevention, honey production (including tasting), other hive products, diseases and pest diagnosis and treatment, integrated pest management and some answers to all those questions you have accumulated over the winter period. We will have an in apiary session if weather permits and you will need to bring protective gear. Veils mandatory!