Monday, March 31, 2008
Notification Enables Resident To Prevent Identity Theft Attempt
Notification from the company through whom the request for establishment of services in his name was made enabled a West Point man to nip a case of attempted identity theft in the bud.
The fifty-six-year-old Busby Road resident reported the crime through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department on Friday. He reported that he had received notification by mail from Dish Network, acknowledging his request to establish service in his name at a second residence.
The victim told officers that he was already a Dish Network customer at that time, having service at his West Maple Street home. The notification indicated services were to be established at a home situated on Busby Road.
The victim reported to deputies that, while he did know the individuals who reside at the address, he had given no one permission to use his personal information in order to establish any type of services.
The case remains under investigation at the current time.