Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thieves Try To Obtain Credit In Name Of Five Points Man
A resident of the Five Points area filed a complaint with a local law enforcement agency last week after he discovered someone had attempted to obtain credit by using his identity.
The victim, 36 of Bonnertown Road, reported the matter through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department Friday. He indicated he had been contacted by officials with Equifax, who informed him a “red flag” had popped up on his credit report.
The victim reported that someone apparently attempted to open an online “Bill Me Later” account in his name in order to charge purchases of $599.95 at AutoAnything.com.
Equifax officials told the victim that in order to apply for the credit account, the individual responsible would have had to use his name, address and the last four digits of his Social Security number.
The matter is currently being reviewed by company officials. An investigation has also been launched through the department’s Criminal Investigation Division.