Sunday, March 28, 2010
Five Points Man Shoots Self When Confronted About Girfriend's Slaying
A resident of the Five Points area shot himself Saturday after he was confronted by police officers regarding the slaying of his girlfriend.
An officer on patrol reported finding Regina Russell, 37, of Florence, inside her car in the parking lot of Shoal Creek Nature Preserve near St. Florian around 9:00 p.m. Friday.
Russell had sustained trauma to the head from an apparent beating. She was transported to Huntsville Hospital where doctors discovered she had also sustained a gunshot wound to the head. Russell died around midnight.
Authorities indicate that her boyfriend, Christopher Robertson, 32 of Five Points, was quickly named as a suspect and a manhunt ensued. Officers on the local, state and federal level joined the manhunt, which extended throughout northwest Alabama and southern Tennessee.
An Alabama Highway Patrol Trooper on patrol spotted Robertson driving along Alabama 64 around 4:00 p.m. Saturday. He pursued the vehicle to a residence situated on Lauderdale 472.
Once at the residence, authorities indicate Robertson exited his vehicle with a weapon in-hand. The trooper ordered him to drop his gun. He, instead, turned the gun upon himself, firing one round into his head.
The residence, located just west of Lexington, was the home of Robertson’s brother, Jackie Robertson. It was in the same location on January 10 that Jackie Robertson reportedly shot and killed his estranged wife, nephew, and then himself, while they were inside a vehicle in the driveway.
Christopher Robertson was airlifted from the scene to Huntsville Hospital where, he died on Sunday
The pistol was seized into evidence and authorities indicate that investigation in the case is continuing through the Alabama Bureau of Investigation.
Russell, who lived in the St. Florian area, was a mother of two and grandmother of one. She had been employed for the past five years as a part-time dispatcher with the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Department.