Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mayor Proposes Establishing Historic Zoning Commission
During a city council meeting Thursday, Lawrenceburg Mayor Keith Durham discussed his desire to establish a Historic Zoning Commission in order to help preserve local properties of historic interest.
Durham passed out sample information regarding the creation and implementation of such a commission, asking that other members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council study the information for possible future action.
Durham pointed out that a number of buildings of historic interest inside the city limits have been demolished in recent years. He explained, “For example, last year the cigar factory was torn down…There have been many buildings of historic interest that have been torn down without regard to the city or the history of the building.”
While the city has zoning ordinances in place that could provide protection for such historic places, Durham explained that the city does not have a zoning commission in place to enforce such codes.
Information provided to the council suggests that the commission be comprised of five members as well as one city commissioner who would serve in an advisory, non-voting capacity.
Durham suggests that the board consist of one member each representing: Lawrenceburg Regional Planning Commission, Lawrence County Historical Society, one merchant or property owner, one member from the community in general, and, if possible, one architect who is a member or meets the requirements of the American Institute of Architects.
The council is expected to discuss the matter further during an upcoming meeting.