Thursday, March 18, 2010
Five Points Resident Awakened By Intruder
A Five Points resident summoned police officers to his home Wednesday evening after he was awakened by the sound of someone prowling about inside his house.
Reports filed through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department show that deputies were dispatched to the home on Woods Road around 10:30 to speak with the resident.
He reported he had been awakened by a noise. As he was getting out of bed, he said he heard what sounded like someone running through the house and the slamming of the front door.
The victim indicated he made his way to the living room and lookout outside, but did not see anyone about, or any vehicles.
Deputies found that there were pry marks around the front door frame where someone had forced the door open.
At the time reports were filed the victim had identified nothing as being missing. Damages were estimated at $150.00.