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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Deputies Exposed To Chemicals At Meth Lab
Three Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies were forced to undergo medical treatment after they were exposed to hazardous chemicals at one of three meth labs dismantled within the county during the weekend.
Investigator Bud Smith with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department’s Crime Suppression Unit indicated that members of the department were kept busy throughout the weekend, working the scenes of labs established specifically for the purpose of manufacturing the drug methamphetamine.
During an operation at a mobile home located on Blackwood Lane three officers became exposed to airborne chemicals. As a result they were transported to Crockett Hospital to undergo treatment. Residents John Heilman, 37, Hilliard Yocum, 32, and Jimmy Moralez, 49, were taken into custody on various drug charges in connection with the situation. Smith indicates that the home has been quarantined pending cleanup of the hazardous chemicals.
At a home on Anderson Creek Road, officers report identifying a second meth lab. Residents Charles Edward Craig and Margaret Kennedy were subsequently arrested. A two-year-old youngster found inside the home was released into the custody of a relative.
The third lab was discovered at a home on Freedom Hill Road in the Summertown area. Although no arrests have yet been made in connection with this operation, Smith indicates that suspects have been identified and charges may be forthcoming.