Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Campbell Seeks City Council Seat 4
Submitted by the candidate.
My name is Judy Campbell. I am asking for your vote and support to be your representative on the Lawrenceburg City Council seat 4.
I am a member of Coleman United Methodist Church. I have been married 31 years to my husband, Jerry. We have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I have been employed by the Lawrence County School System for 20 years. Seventeen of those years I have worked at the central office.
In the years ahead, we must as a city keep our taxes low and increase our tax base by bringing business and industry to Lawrenceburg. My promise to you is to roll my sleeves up when elected and go to work with everyone and to use a common sense approach.
A true leader knows it is not about the leader, it is about the people the leader represents. Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated May 5th.