Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Assault Inside Store Caught On Tape
Law enforcement officials were asked to review video tape from a Lawrenceburg store after two women reportedly became involved in a physical altercation while shopping there Sunday.
Officials with the Dollar General Store situated at 902 North Military Avenue summoned Lawrenceburg Police Officers to intervene in the brawl around 3:25 p.m. Officers report that the two suspects, ages 23 and 36, have been engaged in a prolonged dispute.
The women told officers that they had become involved in a verbal confrontation while in the parking lot, before entering the store. One followed the other inside and allegedly grabbed her. They then began to fight one another.
Store officials indicated that the entire altercation had been captured on video surveillance and requested that officers review the tapes.
Officers noted that both women sustained minor injuries as a result of the altercation.