Monday, March 15, 2010
Diesel Fuel Stolen From Landfill
Officials at the Lawrence County Landfill have reported that as much as two hundred gallons of diesel fuel is missing from the facility.
Officials with the landfill, who summoned Lawrenceburg Police Officers to the location last week, indicated that diesel fuel had disappeared from several different locations on the property.
Officials estimated 100 gallons of diesel missing from a storage tank at the east side of the building. Another forty gallons was missing from a front end loader, while around fifty gallons had been removed from two City of Lawrenceburg garbage trucks parked at the facility.
Landfill officials reported that the gate to the area from which the fuel was stolen had been secured with a combination lock, limiting access.
At the present time the matter has been turned over for further investigation by detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division. Anyone who might have information pertinent to the investigation is urged to contact the department at 762-2276.