Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Sunday Night Burglary Spree Leaves Residents Missing Guns
Burglars appear to have been targeting homes that house firearms in the past couple of weeks, and three more such incidents were reported to have occurred Sunday and Monday
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department were summoned to a home on Sandusky Road around 10:00 a.m. Monday. They resident reported someone had broken into his house, stealing four rifles, a handgun, cash, binoculars, knives, and two Rat Terrier puppies. Loss and damages were estimated at $13,270.
At 5:45 a.m. deputies were sent to investigate a similar crime at 314 Lincoln Street in Ethridge. There, the homeowner reported he had been away from home for around five hours.
He returned to find three guns missing from the gun cabinet. In addition, the resident said the crook made off with his kids’ cell phones and his security system. Deputies noted there was no sign of forced entry. Total loss was said to be $710.
A few minutes later, at 3:48 p.m., deputies were called to a home situated at 23 Copperas Branch Road, Leoma. The resident told deputies a burglar had busted out a window in the garage area, gaining access to the interior of his home.
Deputies found that a closet in an upstairs bedroom had been forced open. Three long firearms were reported missing along with an LCHS class ring. Losses there totaled $6,060.
Two burglaries that did not involve firearms were also investigated by the department on Monday. The first was reported at 7:00 a.m. at a home on Ward Road in Loretto.
There the resident reported someone had broken into a storage shed. The only item he could identify as missing at the time reports were filed was a pair of muck boots.
The second such burglary was investigated at a home on James Road around 11:30 a.m. There, the resident reported a bicycle, chandelier, window frame and road tile were stolen.
Each case currently remains under investigation through the department’s Criminal Investigation Division. Anyone who has information pertinent to any of the investigations should contact the department at 762-3626.