Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Jackson Urges Citizens To Contact Leaders On Meth Funding
County Commissioner Chris D. Jackson released the following statement Wednesday urging the citizens of Lawrence County to contact leaders in Washington to urge them to restore federal funding for meth lab cleanup:
"As reported a couple weeks back, funding designated for meth lab cleanup has been cut at the federal level. This has left local law enforcement agencies around the state scrambling for alternative sources of revenue to help pay for the cleanup after each meth lab seizure.
Here in Lawrence County, we are doing all we can to convince leaders in Washington to restore the cleanup funding to the federal budget.
For instance, later this month the County Commission will be voting on a resolution that I am sponsoring that urges Congressman Scott DesJarlais and Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker to lead the fight to restore the funding to the federal budget.
We are hopeful that the Congressman and Senators will help in this effort as Tennessee was recently named the number one state in nation for meth lab seizures.
But we can't do it alone. We need the citizens of Lawrence County to let their voice be heard on this issue as well.
One easy way to do this is to go to Congressman DesJarlais' official government website and write him a message on the issue. In fact, he has a page dedicated just to the issue of meth.
You can send the Congressman a message by simply going to: The Congressman wants to hear from us on this important issue, so please take five minutes and let him know your opinion.
Meth abuse is problem that is not going away. That is why it is crucial that we all as Lawrence Countians come together to make a difference on this issue. Together we can create a better and brighter future for Lawrence County."