Monday, March 4, 2013
Intruder Scatters Clothing Throughout Leoma Home
A Leoma couple sought assistance from the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department late last week when they came home to find someone had entered their home, scattering their clothing throughout.
The male victim reported to deputies that he had arrived home from work around 4:45 p.m. He opened the door to find the television had been turned on and clothing was lying everywhere.
The victim said he had searched the home and that nothing appeared to be broken or missing. He said all of their clothing had been removed from closets and dressers, then strewn about on the floor and atop furniture.
No signs of illegal entry could be detected. The victim said that they did have a spare key concealed nearby, but that it was still in its proper place.
Neighbors reported they had noticed nothing out of the ordinary, and had not seen anyone around the home while the couple was away.
Investigation into the crime is currently continuing through the Department’s Criminal Investigation Division.