Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Another Resident Falls Victim To Identity Theft
Law enforcement officials report that yet another Lawrence County resident has fallen victim to theft at the hands of identity thieves.
On Monday a resident of Massey Avenue in Lawrenceburg reported that his First Farmers and Merchants Bank VISA debit card number had been used to make several fraudulent purchases by use of the internet.
The victim, age 32, reported that he had become aware of the illegal charges against his account, which included two purchases made on February 29, including $115.23 to USPS Global Express Mail, and $ 59.97 to TLF From You Flowers. In addition, he reported that six different transactions had already been “authorized” by the bank. Once a transaction is authorized, bank officials reported, they are already approved and subject to being paid. The victim discovered charges “authorized,” including: $1,383.00 to Best Buy, $290.00 to Western Union, $73.98 to FTD, as well as $1 to American Airlines and two $1 transactions to AT&T. The $1 transactions, bank officials explained, are made by many companies as a “test” of sorts, in order to ensure that funds are available, etc.
Shortly after filing the complaint Monday, the victim received a call from American Airlines to confirm the purchase of plane tickets for “Bernard Bruce,” for travel from Johannesburg, South Africa to Washington, D.C. The victim quickly reported the new information to local detectives.
In addition, the victim indicated he had been able to speak with the Fraud Department at Best Buy, and that the purchase there was successfully canceled. Members of that department also offered to work with local law enforcement officials, to provide shipping address and email information.