Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tennessee State Parks Provide Strong Support For Local Economies
Governor Phil Bredesen and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Jim Fyke announced today the results of a University of Tennessee study that quantifies the significant positive impact Tennessee State Parks have on the state’s economy. The study indicates Tennessee State Parks pump millions of dollars into local economies and create thousands of jobs.
“Our nationally recognized state parks provide Tennesseans with invaluable resources for recreation, protect the landscapes and cultural sites that make our state special, and now we have data that validates what we’ve long known − they also provide economic engines and jobs in some of our most rural communities,” said Bredesen. “I’m pleased to see the results of this research, which supports our belief that Tennessee State Parks strongly support local economies.”
The study, titled, “Economic Impacts of Tennessee’s State Parks,” was conducted by the University of Tennessee Human Dimensions Research Lab in the Institute of Agriculture.
It concluded that in FY2008-2009, Tennessee State Parks visitors directly spent $725.2 million on items such as food, gas, lodging and activities for visits to state parks, financing nearly 12,000 jobs in Tennessee communities.
Additionally, the study indicates that for every dollar spent on trips to Tennessee State Parks, an additional $1.11 of economic activity was generated, resulting in $1.5 billion in total industry output.
That brings the total number of jobs supported by state parks in Tennessee to more than 18,600. Indirect business taxes from state park visitors were estimated at $106.3 million.
According to the study, state parks also play a role in reducing physical and mental health costs and increasing overall productivity, while increasing the state’s attractiveness to industries and individuals looking to relocate in an area rich in natural amenities.
“Our award-winning Tennessee State Parks offer a variety of no-cost and low-cost recreational opportunities and cost effective accommodations,” said Fyke. “We’re pleased to have such an important role in helping to make Tennessee such an attractive place to live, work and play.”
The economic impact study was conducted for inclusion in Tennessee’s comprehensive outdoor recreation plan, which will guide outdoor recreation priorities over the next 10 years. The recreation plan, which is titled, “Tennessee 2020,” is in the final stages of completion after significant public input, and will be available in the coming weeks.
Tennessee's 53 state parks offer diverse natural, recreational and cultural experiences for individuals, families, or business and professional groups. State park features range from pristine natural areas to 18-hole championship golf courses.
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