Yesterday, after a sentencing hearing, Circuit Judge Russ Parkes sentenced Aaron Van Arsdale to 3.5 years to serve in the Tennessee Department of Corrections. Van Arsdale was facing a sentence of between 2 - 4 years, with a minimum of 45 days to serve, after previously being found guilty by a jury of Vehicular Assault, DUI 2nd, and simple possession of cocaine.

On June 5, 2021, the victim (a female) and Defendant met through a mutual friend at Froggy and Jeffro's Bar. When the victim found that her driver had left her, the Defendant offered her a ride home on his motorcycle. Van Arsdale failed to tell her he had been drinking and using cocaine for hours before arriving. Van Arsdale crashed his motorcycle, reportedly sending the victim about 50 feet. The victim sustained injuries which the Judge described as "egregious and heinous", including broken bones, collapsed lungs, lacerations, and being partially impaled on a small stick.

At trial, the victim testified that she had to call 911 because Van Arsdale was trying to get his motorcycle started and leave the scene. The 911 call played for the jury corroborated this. The proof also showed that, several hours after the crash, Van Arsdale had a blood alcohol level of .135. He also had cicaine metabolites in his system.

"The judge absolutely made the right call in sending Mr. Van Arsdale to prison instead of granting him probation, after 45 days in jail. Hopefully, this sentence will cause Mr. Van Arsdale to reconsider his life choices and deter others as well. I want to thank Trooper Daniel Thompson for his thorough investigation, ADA Victoria Haywood for her expertise in presenting this case, and the victim for her courage in testifying." Brent Cooper, District Attorney


