Monday, February 6, 2012
Fleeing Felon Causes School Lockdown
A lockdown was implemented at a local school Monday morning after school officials were informed that a man being pursued by police, was heading toward the school.
The incident occurred as Lawrence County Sheriff’s deputies were attempting to serve a warrant in the vicinity of David Crockett Elementary School, which is located at 2301 Waynesboro Highway.
The subject fled through a wooded area toward the school. He was apprehended a short time later on Highway 64. Deputies said it appeared he was heading toward Wayne County.
Principal Anne Ray issued a letter to parents, explaining the matter. She stated,
“As a precaution, (the school) was under a lockdown for approximately one hour. We were notified by the 911 dispatch that a person that the police were trying to arrest had run toward the school. Police were summoned, and the school was under lockdown. All our students were calm and assured by teachers and staff that the matter was being handled according to our policies.”
Ray pointed out, “We were in constant contact with the police…We remained in lockdown, but our students were allowed to return to their studies. Only after we were officially notified the suspect was out of this area did we return to school as normal.”
Ray said that the, “David Crockett staff was commended by the Lawrence County Schools Safety Director for the efficient way the matter was handled.”