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Friday, February 6, 2009
County Enforces Codes, Cleans Up Community Eyesore
Inmates assigned to the Cleanup Lawrence County work detail have cleaned up another unsightly mess and this time, a community eyesore has been improved.
Work took place in recent days to cleanup the property surrounding the former Crossroads Market located at the intersection of Buffalo Road and Ethridge Redhill Road. The site, according to area residents, had been a nuisance for quite some time after a fire left the property in disrepair.
As part of a renewed initiative, Lawrence County Executive Paul Rosson has assigned the Solid Waste Department with the task of enforcing county codes. Under the program, the property owners were served with legal notice to cleanup the property. In lieu of such action, the county assigned the work to the inmate detail with the expense to be reimbursed by the owners.
On Thursday and Friday, inmates under supervision of county employees, picked up approximately 4,500 pounds of burned debris and garbage around the property. The property was also mowed and trimmed.
The work is part of the Cleanup Lawrence County Campaign, an aggressive cleanup effort which was launched more than one year ago. Previous cleanup projects have targeted illegal dumpsites and litter problems, with large-scale results.
County Executive Paul Rosson said the cleanup campaign continues to bag results. “More than 100 tons of litter and garbage have been collected as part of our cleanup initiative,” Rosson said. “There have been reports of many unkempt properties across the county. County codes will assess future complaints and the land owner will be served notice if they are in violation.”
Lawrence County residents who need to report properties in need of cleanup attention or areas in need of litter pickup may call the County Executive’s office at 766-4100..