Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Commission Requests Local Democrats Do Away With Primary Elections
Members of the Lawrence County Commission are issuing a recommendation to the local Democratic Party, asking that they change their current candidate selection process.
Commissioners approved the resolution during a meeting held Tuesday evening. The resolution, “respectfully requests and recommends to the executive committees of the political parties of Lawrence County that elections of all county offices be conducted in a non-partisan manner.”
While representatives of the local Republican Party select candidates from within the party, the Democratic Party utilizes a primary election system. Tennessee Codes Annotated allows political parties to nominate candidates, “by the political party rules or by primary election.”
Commissioners point out that elimination of the primary election for county offices would save taxpayer dollars. Each county primary is held at a cost of approximately $30,000.
County Commissioner Chris Jackson, who is Chairman of the local Democratic Party, stated, “I was happy to support this legislation.”
“As it stands now,” Jackson said, “the primary costs the taxpayers $30,000 to hold and has many flaws which question the process’ credibility.”
Jackson explained, “In the months to come, I am going to urge the party to come up with a new process that still allows the people of Lawrence County to choose the best candidate possible, but saves the taxpayer $30,000.
“Once this happens, I will sponsor legislation that would require the county to use the money saved each year from not having the primary, to be used towards economic development projects and improvements to infrastructure throughout the county,” Jackson concluded.