Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Authorities Eye String Of Mailbox Vandalisms
Local law enforcement officials are focusing efforts this week toward identifying vandals who damaged a number of mailboxes in a Leoma neighborhood overnight Saturday.
Residents at 126 Dunn Road, 130 Dunn Road, 248 Dunn Leoma Road, and 294 Dunn Leoma Road reported the damages Sunday.
In each instance, some type of blunt object was used to bash the resident’s mailbox, resulting in damages of $20 to $25 apiece.
The resident at 130 Dunn Road reported additional vandalism at his home. The resident discovered that someone had shot the window of his 1985 Toyota truck with a BB gun. Damages to the truck were approximately $200.
The matters remain under investigation at the current time through the Criminal Investigation Division of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department. Anyone who has information pertinent to the case is urged to contact the department at 762-3626.