Monday, January 28, 2008
Early Voting Period Ends Thursday
The early voting period for the Lawrence County General Election as well as the Presidential Primary will draw to an end this week.
According to Lawrence County Administrator of Elections June Davis the early voting period for the February 5 election will end on Thursday, January 31, 2008.
Those wishing to participate in early voting have the option of casting votes at three different locations in the county. As is the norm, early voting will be held inside the Office of the Election Commission, 225 Centennial Boulevard. Two satellite sites, however, have been established for this year’s vote. Those include Loretto City Hall and Tietgens SuperRama in Summertown. Any voter is welcome to utilize any of the three polling locations during the early voting period.
Voters may cast votes for their choice in the Democrat or Republican Presidential Primary. The only county office that appears on the ballot this year is that of Assessor of Property. That post is currently held by Barbara Kizer, who is running unopposed.
Those participating in early voting are reminded to bring along their voter registration cards in order to speed up the process.