Monday, January 25, 2010
Benefit Will Be Held Saturday For Long Time Deputy
Friends and family members of a long-time deputy with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department will host a benefit Saturday in order to raise funds to assist with medical expenses.
Sergeant David Ellis, a 1972 graduate of Loretto High School, was employed for nineteen years at Murray Ohio Manufacturing.
During that time he served as a Reserve Officer for the Lawrenceburg Police Department, while simultaneously working part time for both the Loretto and Saint Joseph Police Departments.
In 1991 Ellis left Murray to work as a full time sheriff’s deputy. After a short time he became employed through the Loretto Police Department, but soon returned to the sheriff’s department. He has since served that department at the rank of Sergeant.
Ellis has had a bout with cancer approximately four years ago, and has embarked upon a second such battle with cancer in past months.
Officials with the sheriff’s department indicate that his sick/comp time will run out at the end of January, and they have joined forces to offer assistance with Ellis’ continuing medical expenses.
They have planned a benefit, to get underway this Saturday, January 30, at 11:00 a.m. inside the cafeteria and gymnasium at Loretto High School. An auction will be held for items donated by area businesses and individuals.
Numerous activities will be available, including hoop shoots and a cake walk for the youngsters. From 3:00 p.m. on, Southern Strangers & the Weathers Family will be entertaining you with great music.
Plate lunches will be available at a cost of $10 for adults and $5 for children. You will be able to choose from barbecue, hamburgers and hot dogs, with all the fixings.
For those who are unable to attend, you may also make contributions to the David Ellis Fund at either the Lawrenceburg or Loretto branches of First Farmers and Merchants Bank.
For additional information, or to donate cakes or other items, contact Carolyn Gist at 242-6165.