Monday, January 23, 2012
Burglary Reported At Ethridge Business
A criminal investigation was initiated during the weekend after owners discovered their Ethridge business had been targeted by burglars.
According to reports filed through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department an owner of Beard & Sons Garage, 3420 U.S. Highway 43 North, stopped by the department to report the matter. He told deputies he had gone to the business to drop off some items, only to find a computer and television set had been stoeln. He told deputies that the culprits had removed screws from a rear door, then bent the metal frame in order to gain access.
The owner pointed out that when the business is closed, guard dogs are allowed to roam freely inside. He told deputies that the perpetrators must have been familiar to the dogs, else they would have bitten them.
Loss is estimated at $450. Investigation into the matter has been relinquished to detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division.