Thursday, January 19, 2012
Former Resident Reports Forged Checks
A Michigan woman, who had formerly resided just over the Lawrence/Wayne County line, filed a complaint with Lawrenceburg Police Officers Wednesday, saying that someone had forged checks to steal money from her bank account.
The complainant told officers that she had lived with two other women at a home on Buttermilk Ridge Road, but had since moved to Fraser, Michigan to live with her daughter. She told officers that before she moved some of her checks had gone missing. She said her roommates had denied seeing the checks.
The complainant reported to officers that while reviewing her checking account activity she discovered “some issues,” and had returned to Lawrenceburg in an attempt to rectify the matter.
According to the complainant, one of her former roommates had forged a check for $5,000 against her account. She said that the woman had taken the check to a Lawrenceburg bank, deposited $3,000, and received the remaining $2,000 in cash.
She said that the roommate returned to the bank two days later and withdrew another $2,000. She reported that all of this had occurred without her consent, and that her signature had been forged.
Bank employees believed that the complainant was with the roommate when the transactions were made. The complainant, however, told officers she believed that the second roommate had been impersonating her.
Investigation into the matter is continuing at the present time.