Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Dog Stolen From Truck While Owner Is Buying Its Food
A Lawrenceburg woman reported to authorities during the weekend that someone stole her puppy while she was purchasing dog food.
The victim, age 33, reported the crime to officers with the Lawrenceburg Police Department on Saturday. She stated that she had gone into Tractor Supply Company, 2028 North Locust Avenue, around 8:11 p.m. to purchase food for her red and white Pomeranian puppy.
The victim told officers she was only inside the store for a few minutes and left the puppy inside her 1995 Toyota truck. She said that she returned to the truck and was opening the passenger door when she discovered that it had already been unlocked. Her puppy, she said, was nowhere to be found.
Employees of the business told officers they would review security footage of the parking lot area in an effort to identify a suspect.
The case remains under investigation at the current time.