Monday, January 11, 2010
Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting Is Coming
The Lawrence/Wayne County Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, January 16th, 6pm. at the David Crockett School Cafeteria.
Please note the change in location from Previous years! Our featured speaker will be Todd Jennings from Merial.
The topic of discussion will be “Straight Talk Concerning Drug Resistance and Generic Issues”.
Also on hand will be representatives of the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association and the Beef Council to update members on emerging issues.
The business part of the meeting will consist of announcement of the 2010 scholarship winner(s) and the presentation of the 2009 scholarship.
We will also here updates from our UT Extension Agents, 4-H Livestock Project Clubs, and the Tennessee Agriculture Enhancement Grants.
The highlight of the evening will be the announcement of the 2010 Cattlemen of the Year. Reservations need to be made before Thursday, January 14th, by calling either the Lawrence County Extension Office at 762-5506 or the Wayne County Extension Office at 722-3229.