Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Burglars Target Two Local Businesses
Law enforcement officers were called upon to investigate similar burglaries at two Lawrenceburg businesses during the weekend.
In the first instance officers with the Lawrenceburg Police Department responded after a burglar alarm at around 2:45 a.m. was tripped at Big Chief’s Market on Weakley Creek Road.
Officers report that the instigator had used a concrete block to break the glass in a door, allowing them access to the interior of the business.
Owners responded to the market, as well. They reported that the only things that appeared to be missing were 296 packs of cigarettes and 16 tins of tobacco. Loss was estimated to total nearly $2,000.
At 10:45 p.m. Sunday officers responded to a similar burglary after thieves caused a burglar alarm to sound at TAZ Distributing on Remke Avenue.
Officers report that a rock had been used to break the glass in the front door. The owner responded as well, but was unable to determine at that time whether anything had been stolen.
Detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division are continuing to investigate the matter.