Monday, January 4, 2010
Roundup Nets 27 Arrests
A roundup of individuals facing various drug and theft charges undertaken recently as part of a multi-department operation has netted some 27 arrests.
According to a press release issued through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department Monday, the operation utilized forces from that department as well as the Lawrenceburg Police Department, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the United States Marshals Service.
The roundup targeted individuals who had been indicted by the Lawrence County Grand Jury on charges of theft and burglary, as well as drug-related offenses.
Those arrested in the roundup include: Barry Rose, Karl Eugene Luna, Toby Byrd, Joshua Gabehart, Ronald Skinner, Melissa Searle, Carissa Martin, April James, Bobby Lovell, Trinity Ringlestein, Michael Weigart, Sr., Brooke Buchanan, Thomas Bailey, Vanessa Murphy, Jonathan Holt, Pam Bunt, Phillip Vega, Shirley Pate, Holly Fisher, Star Squires, Julie Hand, Martin Mabe, Travis Murks, Carla Moore, Ricky Pryor, Joey Obrien and Amber Lee Moore.
Officials report that six of the individuals sought still remain at-large. They indicate they will continue their efforts to apprehend these individuals.