Kelly Appliance & Vacuum 931-244-7200
D.E. Hill & Son 762-9584
Summit of Lawrenceburg 762-3524
Chapman Tire 931-829-2155
J & G Tire Center 931-762-0078
Bank of Frankewing 762-6800
Lawrenceburg Federal Bank 931-762-7571
One Stop Medical 762-9797
Seven Springs Orthopaedics 244-7181
Nerd's Computer Repair
Rick's Electrical & Plumbing 931-242-5325
Lynn Electronics 762-0401
Lawrenceburg Florist 762-3722
McKelvey's Flowers 762-4511
Pettus-Turnbo Funeral Home 762-3291
Green's Furniture
Swap & Shop Center
Lawrenceburg Glass 766-1004
Aarons Insurance 931-629-8065
Baker Agency 762-4550
Markus Insurance 762-9401
Wall-Modrall Insurance 762-6528
Dixon's Fine Jewelry 762-9979
Seven Springs Orthopaedics 244-7181
NATURAL FOODSNature's Nuggests 762-2895
Randy's Cycle & ATV 762-2450
The Mad Hatter's Party Wonderland 931-244-7222
Mo's Pawn Shop 762-2529
Diamond Pools & Spas 762-7189
Sue Sue's Sandwich Shop 762-8879
Fox Sporting Goods 931-766-0313
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Commission Committees Vital To County Government
Do you know your County Commissioner?
If you don’t, I encourage you to go to to learn about your representative. Maps on the website will show you which of 18 districts is yours, and the man or woman who was elected to represent your interests on the full board.
That’s the Civics textbook definition of a Commissioner’s duties, but it’s not a complete one. Yes, they meet every two months to vote on issues that affect their district (about 2,300 people each), and the entire county. But they also serve on committees that address every aspect of county operations, and receive no additional pay for that service.
Many committees meet after work hours since most Commissioners are employed, and that means more residents can attend as well. If you’re interested, committee meetings are always open to the public and announced through local media and the county website,
On September 25, the Commission approved the 2015-16 Committee appointments. Many remained the same as 2014-15, but some adjustments were made to give Commissioners the opportunity to serve in different capacities. Following are those committees, their purpose and members:
The Budget Committee reviews all department requests to prepare the annual budget for full Commission approval. Members took several days away from their jobs to work on the proposed 2015-16 county budget, and had to return to the drawing board at least once. A lack of funds meant they said no to many requests, to the tune of about $1 million. Faced with deficits in almost every department, they then had to come up with a funding plan that would meet full Commission approval.
The Budget Committee also reviews and approves any unbudgeted spending through the year, including bids approved by the Purchasing Committee. I serve as the Budget Committee chairman; other members for 2015-16 are Scott Franks, (vice-chair), Brandon Brown, Jeffrey Hughes, and Jim Modlin.
I also chair the Purchasing Committee, which approves bids for large purchases or projects like building construction. An advertisement for bids goes out in local newspapers; sealed bids are submitted by the specified deadline; then they are opened at a Purchasing Committee meeting. Low bids win as long as they meet all specifications. Other members of the committee are Bert Spearman (vice chair), Nathan Keeton, Alanna Harris, and Shane Eaton.
The Facilities Committee makes the initial decision about any construction, major repair, or addition to any county building. Members determine the need and how it can be addressed, then ask for bids (see above). Facilities Committee members are Ronnie Benefield (chair), Phil Hood (vice chair), Alanna Harris, Bert Spearman and Shane Eaton.
Phil Hood is chair of the Energy Efficiency Committee, which does exactly what its names suggests. Hood, vice-chair Brandon Brown, Wayne Yocom, Russ Brewer and Bobby Clifton look for ways to save energy and therefore taxpayer dollars. Since Lawrence County pays utility bills for a total of 18 buildings, there is always room for improvement.
Our Utilities Committee typically meets to hash out details about water line extensions or matters pertaining to the county’s Utility Districts. Denny Gillespie is the chair, Brandon Brown is vice-chair, and other members are Chris Jackson, Nathan Keeton and Aaron Story.
The School Board Liaison Committee is chaired by Chris Jackson and also includes Jeffrey Hughes (vice-chair), Jim Modlin, Russ Brewer and Delano Benefield. This committee’s job is to keep the lines of communication open between the Commission and School Board, and they sometimes meet with the Board to discuss topics that involve both bodies.
The Solid Waste Committee is made up of Chairman Phil Hood, vice-chair Denny Gillespie, and members Brandon Brown, Shane Eaton and Wayne Yocom. This committee is tackling issues that include a leak at the solid waste facility; a drainage issue that can flood the building’s offices; and repairs necessary in the chert/topsoil “cap” over a closed area of the landfill.
Members of the Technology Committee – Chris Jackson (chair), Scott Franks (vice-chair), Phil Hood, Aaron Story and Jim Modlin – address computer needs in the county. Most recently, this committee oversaw the purchase of iPads for Commissioners, which reduces printing and postage costs.
Highway Committee members make recommendations regarding road projects, speed limit changes, and road name changes. Chairman Brandon Brown, members Ronnie Benefield (vice-chair), Wayne Yocom, Denny Gillespie and Delano Benefield make sure changes don’t create problems for 911 dispatch and emergency responders.
Shane Eaton (chair), Scott Franks (vice-chair), Bert Spearman, Nathan Keeton and Aaron Story make up the Public Safety, Jail & Judicial Committee. Current issues concerning this committee include jail overcrowding and courtroom security.
Subjects coming before the Workplace Safety Committee relate to county employee safety, whether they work in an office or on a lawnmower. Its members include Phil Hood (chair), Wayne Yocom (vice-chair), Brandon Brown, Denny Gillespie and Bobby Clifton.
Our Economic & Community Development and Tourism Committees work to bring more jobs and more tourists, respectively, into our county. They operate hand-in-hand with the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce and the Joint Economic & Community Development Committee. ECD committee members are Scott Franks (chair), Chris Jackson (vice-chair), Alanna Harris, Jeffrey Hughes, and Shane Eaton. Russ Brewer chairs the Tourism Committee, Alanna Harris is vice-chair, and other members are Nathan Keeton, Mark Niedergeses and Delano Benefield.
Topics that come before the Insurance & Benefits Committee are job classifications, comp time, insurance renewals, and pay scale for county employees. Members include Phil Hood (chair), Jeffrey Hughes (vice-chair), Ronnie Benefield, Jim Modlin and Mark Niedergeses.
The Non-Profit & Charitable Committee primarily meets during budget time to determine the county’s annual contributions to these groups. Meetings are also called as needs arise. Members are Jeffrey Hughes (chair), Bert Spearman (vice-chair), Nathan Keeton, Russ Brewer and Mark Niedergeses.
Our Ethics Committee meets as needed to address any ethics violations in county government or the county workplace. Alanna Harris is chair, Wayne Yocom vice-chair, members are Delano Benefield, Denny Gillespie and Ronnie Benefield. This committee is just one step in the process of addressing ethics concerns.
The Rules Committee gathers when necessary to deal with questions about meeting protocol. I chair this committee, Chris Jackson is vice-chair, and members are Bert Spearman, Jim Modlin and Aaron Story.
Alanna Harris chairs the Resolution Committee, which meets prior to each full Commission meeting to go over its agenda. This committee makes sure resolutions coming before the Commission are completely accurate. Other members are Chris Jackson (vice-chair), Bobby Clifton, Shane Eaton and Aaron Story.
Three other standing committees include members of the public, due to the subjects they address:
The Audit Committee helps makes sure county finances are in compliance with Tennessee State law. Commissioners on the committee are Jeffrey Hughes (vice-chair) and Scott Franks; Karen Woodall chairs the group; Jerry Putman and Polly Marsh complete it.
The Beer Board ensures that retailers applying for beer sale licenses are in compliance with guidelines related to distance from schools and churches. It meets as needed and includes Larry Glass (chair), Commissioner Russ Brewer (vice-chair), Mechelle Eaton, Chris Smith, and Randy Brewer.
The Grievance Committee considers complaints filed by county employees, and members are their peers: Emergency Medical Services Director Larry Glass (chair), Chief Deputy Tony Crouch (vice-chair), members Mary Green, Tonya Roper and Paula Slater, who work for the Circuit Court Clerk, County Court Clerk, and Trustee, respectively. There are no Commission members, but it is a standing committee whose findings come before the Commission as a whole.
As you can see, being a Commissioner involves much more than casting votes at bi-monthly meetings. Committee work can demand an enormous amount of time and energy, and rarely makes headlines. Be sure to thank your Commissioner for the hands-on, behind-the-scenes work that keeps our county running smoothly.