Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Tennessee Deputy Gov. Jim Henry, TDEC officials to discuss statewide water availability plan in Loretto
Press release
Tennessee Deputy Gov. Jim Henry and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Dr. Shari Meghreblian will host representatives from local and state government agencies to discuss TN H20, a statewide plan for water availability that is currently in progress.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam assembled in early 2018 a steering committee of stakeholders from federal, state and local governments, as well as industry, academia, environmental advocacy groups and public utilities to develop a statewide plan for future water availability in Tennessee.
The plan, named TN H2O, will include an assessment of current water resources and recommendations to help ensure Tennessee has an abundance of water resources to support future population and economic growth. A draft of TN H2O will be submitted to the governor and made available for public input by October 2018.
TN H2O will play particular attention to surface and groundwater, water and wastewater infrastructure, water reuse and land conservation, as well as institutional and legal framework.
Working groups composed of subject matter experts are conducting the research and gathering information. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is overseeing the plan development.