Friday, May 11, 2018
Findings from State Comptroller/TBI investigation of Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department records
The following are the findings in a report from the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury, in conjunction with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, from an investigation into pertinent records of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department:
Finding 1
The sheriff and jail administrator violated multiple laws when they allowed inmates to leave the jail improperly.
a. There were 37 furloughs granted by either the sheriff, chief deputy, captain, or the jail administrator.
b. There were 24 furloughs that did not have granting approval notated.
c. There were seven furloughs granted by a staff member.
d. The person’s name receiving the inmate was left blank in one entry.
e. Destination of the furlough was left blank on 30 entries.
f. The date of the furlough was noted in four entries.
g. The person’s name returning the inmate was left blank on 56 entries.
h. We noted that many of the entries were not legible.
Finding 2
The sheriff exceeded his authority and violated the law by releasing defendants on their own recognizance (ROR) or on a signature bond after a bond amount had been set by a judge or court official.
In some instances, bond amounts were set by a court or magistrate, but the sheriff did not require the bond to be paid when the defendant left the jail. Consequently, the proper bonding documentation was not on file if the defendant failed to show up at the appointed time for court. Without collecting the bond as collateral, the courts have no means to recover costs associated with apprehending the defendant.
We reviewed the bond reports from the court clerk’s office and questioned the sheriff on his acts of releasing defendants on ROR and signature bonds. During our interview, the sheriff acknowledged that he had been releasing defendants in this manner since he came into office in 2010. Also, he acknowledged that one of the judges will now have the defendant rearrested when they show up for their court date and make them pay the stated bond if the sheriff has bypassed the courts’ authority by releasing them on ROR or without a signature bond.
Additionally, in reviewing the Jail Event Logs, we noted that het chief deputy and the captain also authorized the release of defendants on ROR or signature bond.
TCA states that only a magistrate or trial court may release the defendant on the defendant’s own recognizance. The sheriff and his staff do not have the authority to authorize the release.
Finding 3
The sheriff accepted campaign contributions from families of individuals he released on their own recognizance or on a signature bond.
“Our review of the sheriff’s campaign contributions indicated there were relationships on nine cases where the individuals released on their own recognizance or a signature bond were directly related to a campaign contributor. However, the judge had already set bail for these individuals. Additionally, we found approximately 20 more cases with family or close friends’ relationships to the sheriff’s contributions donor listing. These relationships present the appearance of the sheriff using his office to help families of those who contributed to his campaign fund in 2014, which could be a violation of ethics or his oath of office…
Finding 4
The sheriff failed to obtain the appropriate approvals and certifications for two sureties on a court-ordered appearance bond.
The Lawrence County General Sessions Court ordered a defendant to appear in court after he was charged with several crimes and ordered the defendant to post a bond totaling $14,000. A defendant may execute a bail bond and secure it by entering into a written undertaking signed by the defendant and at least two sufficient sureties and having it approved by the magistrate or officer setting bail…A surety for this type of bail bond shall be deemed sufficient if it is certified by the circuit court clerk of the county where the defendant resides to the party accepting the bond…At a minimum, each of the sureties shall be worth the amount expressed in the undertaking…According to TCA, the sheriff is responsible for determining the sufficiency of the surety and the validity of the bond.
For a particular appearance bond, there was no evidence of approval by the magistrate or officer setting bail, nor is there a certification from the court clerk, or any other evidence, as to the sufficiency of the sureties.
On April 9, 2018 the defendant failed to appear in court, and the court issued a bond order against the Appearance Bond. However, the court’s recovery of the $14,000 as a bond forfeiture is now contingent on the ability of the defendant to pay, and if not able, the actual sufficiency of the sureties.
Finding 5
The sheriff held a warrant for 99 days before having the warrant served and the defendant arrested.
We compared the warrants’ Criminal Papers Search Report and the jail’s Confined During Period Report with court records and determined that the sheriff held a warrant on a specific defendant that was issued on December 12, 2016, until April 11, 2017, a period of 99 days. The warrant was only executed after a call from the district attorney’s office. Under duties of the office for the sheriff, TCA requires the sheriff to: Execute and return, according to law, the process and orders of the court of record of this state, and of officers of competent authority with due diligence, when delivered to the sheriff for that purpose…Execute all writs and other process legally issued and directed to the sheriff, within the county, and make due return thereof, either personally or by a lawfully appointed civil process server…
Finding 6
The sheriff violated multiple laws in his handling of a confiscated still and moonshine.
We reviewed the sheriff’s department report related to a calla bout an active moonshine still. Officers confiscated the still and approximately 1.5 gallons of cooked moonshine, six pints of apple pie moonshine, one quart of unflavored moonshine, and one gallon of peach moonshine. Also, approximately 50 gallons of precooked moonshine or mash found had been poured out onsite by officers. The officers turned over the still and moonshine to Sheriff Brown on the same day it was collected…it was placed on the garage/sally port connected to the jail, and the moonshine was placed in the sheriff’s office.
Finding 7
The captain at the sheriff’s department falsified his timesheet and lied to investigators.
We reviewed certain documentation obtained from the State of Florida, the captain’s timesheets, county policies, and a written statement obtained from the sheriff. The violations of laws and policies include:
Finding 8
We noted deficiencies in timesheets and leave balances totaling $15,821.38.
Our investigation identified the following deficiencies related to timesheets and the recording of leave earned and taken. These deficiencies can be attributed to the failure of management to adequately monitor and maintain time records of employees and the failure to hold employees accountable for submitting inaccurate timesheets.
Background Related to Timesheets: Employees submit a timesheet monthly but are paid bi-weekly. The timesheet tracks the hours worked, leave earned/taken, leave balances, and the employee signs the timesheet. The timesheet is then provided ot the administrator who maintains a Microsoft Excel workbook that tracks leave and balances for each employee. After the administrator ensures the timesheets are accurate, he provides timesheets to the Office of Accounts and Budgets for the processing of payroll.
According to LCPPM: Employees shall work schedules as established by the elected official or department head. The employee is responsible for completing the Request for Leave Form in a timely manner before leave is taken. Leave is granted at the discretion of the elected official or department head under whom the employee works.
The sheriff is ultimately responsible for the time, leave, and schedule for everyone in the sheriff’s department. For the period of January 2016 through January 2017, we selected 11 employees at the sheriff’s department to review their time records.
We found the following:
According to LCPPM:
Exhaustion of Sick Leave – Employees who have used all of their accumulated sick leave will not receive financial compensation for additional days needed due to illness or injury. For any additional time needed, the employee will be considered on leave without pay status unless the employee has accumulated vacation time or comp time remaining. The employee may request that additional sick leave be credited against the remaining vacation or comp time.
Finding 9
We noted violations of county policies for county deputies also working for the Saint Joseph Police Department.
The captain of the sheriff’s department is also the chief of police for the City of Saint Joseph Police Department in Lawrence County, Tennessee. We reviewed timesheets for 10 officers who worked for both the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and the Saint Joseph Police Department to determine if the officer was approved to work for both, worked at both places on the same day, took extended leave at one and worked the other, or worked improper shifts at Saint Joseph Police Department. We found the following:
Additionally, the captain exceeded his authority when he authorized exceptions to county personnel policies for the one deputy who used sick leave from August 15, 2016 to November 4, 2016, for a total of 12 weeks. The deputy’s wife also works for the sheriff’s department and used sick leave. This is a violation of the paternity leave policy since it exceeds 12 weeks for a combined married couple of the county. During an interview, the deputy stated the captain authorized him to take the leave. The captain does not have the authority to authorize this deviation of policy.
Finding 10
We noted discrepancies in the payments of compensatory time at the sheriff’s department.
In interviews with supervisory personnel at the sheriff’s department and with the accounts and budgets office, payments for compensatory time generally only occur when a person has ended employment and follows the annual leave guidelines for payout. Employees stated they were not allowed to receive compensatory time payments. But during interviews with investigators, chief deputy admitted he had received two payments of compensatory time, once under the previous administration and once under Sheriff Brown when he took office. The LCPPM Wage and Hour Policies provides; an employee cannot “accrue more than…480 hours of compensatory time shall be paid for any additional overtime that is worked.” As noted, two employees exceeded the maximum amount of compensatory leave for a total of 10 months during our time period. According to county policy, the employees should have been paid and not allowed to exceed the 480 hours.